
Publications 2024

  • 1

    Monitoring reaction time to digital device in the very-old to detect early cognitive decline
    Yamada Y, Okuda T, Uchida T, Ikenoue T, Fukuma S.
    npj Aging, 2024, 10(1), 40

  • 2

    Prevalent and new use of common drugs for the incidence of community-acquired acute kidney injury: cohort and case-crossover study
    Kimachi M, Ikenoue T, Fukuma S.
    Scientific Reports, 2024, 14(1), 17906

  • 3

    Knowledge of hepatitis B infection, hepatitis B vaccine, and vaccination status with its associated factors among healthcare workers in Kampot and Kep Provinces, Cambodia
    Sok S, Chhoung C, Sun B, Ko Ko, Sugiyama A, Akita T, Fukuma S,
    Tanaka J.
    BMC Infectious Diseases, 2024, 24(1), 658

  • 4

    Visualization of intracellular ATP dynamics in different nephron segments under pathophysiological conditions using the kidney slice culture system
    Yamamoto S, Yamamoto S, Takahashi M, Mii A, Okubo A, Toriu N, Nakagawa S, Abe T, Fukuma S, Imamura H, Yamamoto M,Yanagita M.
    Kidney International, 2024, 106(3), pp. 470–481

  • 5

    Beta-blocker initiation under dobutamine infusion in acute advanced heart failure: A target trial emulation with observational data
    Mori Y, Inoue K, Sato H, Tsushima T, Fukuma S.
    European Heart Journal Open, 2024, 4(4), oeae054

  • 6

    Low on-treatment blood pressure and cardiovascular events in patients without elevated risk: a nationwide cohort study
    Mori Y, Mizuno A, Fukuma S.
    Hypertension Research, 2024, 47(6), pp. 1546–1554

  • 7

    Physician approval for pregnancy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus showing only serological activity: A vignette survey study
    Isojima S, Yajima N, Yanai R, Miura Y, Fukuma S, Kaneko K, Fujio K, Oku K, Matsushita M, Miyamae T, Wada T, Tanaka Y, Kaneko Y, Nakajima A, Murashima A.
    Modern Rheumatology, 2024, 34(3), pp. 509–514

  • 8

    Association of Contrast Extravasation Grade With Massive Transfusion in Pediatric Blunt Liver and Spleen Injuries: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study
    Katsura M, Fukuma S, Kuriyama A, Kondo Y, Yasuda H, Matsushima K, Shiraishi A, Kusaka A, Nakabayashi Y, Yagi M, Ito F, Tanikawa A, Kushimoto S; SHIPPs Study Group
    Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2024, 59(3), pp. 500–508

  • 9

    Early-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease and Related Health Care Spending
    Sakoi N, Mori Y, Tsugawa Y, Tanaka J, Fukuma S.
    JAMA Network Open, 2024, 7(1), pp. E2351518

  • 10

    Association of Nutritional Risk Index With Infection-Related Hospitalization and Death After Hospitalization in Patients Undergoing Maintenance Hemodialysis
    Mori K, Yamamoto Y, Hanafusa N, Yamamoto S, Fukuma S, Onishi Y, Emoto M, Inaba M.
    Journal of Renal Nutrition, 2024, 29:S1051-2276(24)00170-5.

  • 11

    Likelihood-based instrumental variable methods for Cox proportional hazards model
    Orihara S, Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Taguri M.
    Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 2024

Publications 2023

  • 1

    Implementation status of prediction models for type 2 diabetes
    Kishi A, Fukuma S.
    Primary Care Diabetes, 2023, 17(6), pp. 655–657

  • 2

    Effect of age-based left-digit bias on stroke diagnosis: Regression discontinuity design
    Fukuma S, Ikesu R, Iizuka T, Tsugawa Y.
    Social Science and Medicine, 2023, 334, 116193

  • 3
  • 4

Publications 2022

Publications 2021

  • 1

    Association between single limb standing test results and healthcare costs among community-dwelling older adults.

    Tominaga R, Yamazaki S,  Fukuma S, Goto R, Sekiguchi M, Otani K, Iwabuchi M, Shirado O, Fukuhara S, Konno S.
    Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics.

  • 2

    Type IAngiotensinIIReceptor Blockade Reduces Uremia-Induced Deterioration of Bone Material Properties.

    Wakamatsu T, Iwasaki Y, Yamamoto S, Matsuo K, Goto S, Narita I, Kazama JJ, Tanaka K, Ito A, Ozasa R, Nakano T, Miyakoshi C, Onishi Y, Fukuma S, Fukuhara S, Yamato H, Fukagawa M, Akizawa T.
    Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

  • 3

    Association of advanced glycation end-product accumulation with overactive bladder in community-dwelling elderly: A cross-sectional Sukagawa study.

    Omae K, Kurita N, Takahashi S, Fukuma S, Yamamoto Y, Fukuhara S.
    Asian Journal of Urology.

  • 4

    Association between the use of physical restraint and functional decline among older inpatients admitted with pneumonia in an acute care hospital: A retrospective cohort study.

    Soeno S, Takada T, Takeshima T, Kaneyama M, Sagawa M, Hayashi M, Miyashita J, Azuma T, Fukuma S, Fukuhara S.
    Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics.

  • 5

    Cohort profile: A super-elderly population-based cohort in Japan (the Sukagawa Study).

    Naganuma T, Takahashi S, Takeshima T, Kurita N, Omae K, Yoshioka T, Ohnishi T, Ito F, Fukuma S, Hamaguchi S, Fukuhara S 
    International Journal of Epidemiology.

  • 6

    Changes in Drug Utilization After Publication of Clinical Trials and Drug-Related Scandals in Japan: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis, 2005-2017.

    Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Yamada Y, Saito Y, Green J, Nakayama T, Fukuhara S.
    Journal of Epidemiology.

  • 7

Publications 2020

  • 1

    Association of the National Health Guidance Intervention for Obesity and Cardiovascular Risks With Health Outcomes Among Japanese Men.
    Fukuma S, IIizuka T, kenoue T, Tsugawa Y.
    JAMA Internal Medicine.

  • 2

    Association between physical restraint and functional decline among older inpatients admitted with pneumonia in an acute care hospital: a retrospective cohort study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2020.
    Soeno S, Takada T, Takeshima T, Kaneyama M, Sagawa M, Hayashi M, Miyashita J, Azuma T, Fukuma S, Fukuhara S.
    Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics.  

  • 3

    Cohort Profile: A super-elderly population-based cohort in Japan (the Sukagawa Study).
    Naganuma T, Takahashi S, Takeshima T, Kurita N, Omae K, Yoshioka T, Ohnishi T, Ito F, Fukuma S, Hamaguchi S, Fukuhara S, and the Sukagawa Study Group
    International Journal of Epidemiology.  

  • 4

    Sagittal imbalance and symptoms of depression in adults: Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcomes in the Aizu Cohort Study (LOHAS).
    Watanabe K, Otani K, Tominaga R, Kokubun Y, Sekiguchi M, Fukuma S, Kamitani T, Nikaido T, Kato K, Kobayashi H, Yabuki S, Kikuchi S, Konno S.
    European Spine Journal.  

  • 5

    Changes in 3-month mineral and bone disorder patterns were associated with all-cause mortality in prevalent hemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
    Kato C, Fujii N, Miyakoshi C, Asada S, Ohnishi Y, Fukuma S, Nomura T, Wada M, Fukagawa M, Fukuhara S, Akizawa T.
    BMC Nephrology.  

  • 6

    Lack of a bridge between screening and medical management for hypertension:  health screening cohort in Japan.
    Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Saito Y, Yamada Y, Saigusa Y, MIsumi T, Taguri M.
    BMC Public Health.

  • 7

    Association Between Single Limb Standing Test Results and Healthcare Costs Among
    Community-Dwelling Older Adults.
    Tominaga R, Yamazaki S,  Fukuma S, Goto R, Sekiguchi M, Otani K, Iwabuchi M, Shidaro O, Fukuhara S, Konno S.
    Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 

  • 8

    Body mass index change and estimated glomerular filtration rate decline in a middle-aged population: health check-based cohort in Japan.
    Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Bragg-Gresham J, Noroton E.C, Yamada Y, Kohmoto D, Saran R.
    BMJ Open.

  • 9

    Spatiotemporal ATP dynamics during acute kidney injury predicts renal prognosis.
    Yamamoto S, Yamamoto M, Nakamura J, Mii A, Yamamoto Shigenori, Takahashi M, Kaneko K, Uchino E, Sato Y, Fukuma S, Imamura H, Matsuda M, Yanagita M.
    J Am Soc Nephrol. in press

  • 10

    Type-I Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade Reduces Uremia-induced Deterioration of Bone Material Properties.
    Wakamatsu T, Iwasaki Y, Yamamoto S, Katuo K, Goto S, Narita I, Kazama JJ, Tanaka K, Ito A, Ozasa R, Nakano T, Miyakoshi C, Onishi Y, Fukuma S, Fukuhara S, Yamato H, Fukagawa M, Akizawa T.
    The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. in press.

  • 11

    Changes in older people’s activities during the Covid-19 pandemic in Japan.
    Yamada YUchida T, Ogino M, Ikenoue T, Shiose T, Fukuma S*.
    JAMDA. in press. * corresponding author

  • 12

    Changes in drug utilization after publication of clinical trials and drug-related scandals in Japan: an interrupted time series analysis, 2005-2017.
    Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Yamada Y, Saito Y, Green J, Nakayama T, Fukuhara S.
    J Epidemiol. in press.

  • 13

    Learning Health System in a Senior Retirement Community: A Platform to Promote Implementation Research.
    Yamada Y, Uchida T, Shiose T, Ikenoue T, Kusunoki M, Kuwata C, Tatsumi A, Fukuma S*.
    J Gerontol Geriatr Med. in press. * corresponding author

  • 14

    Influence of post-disaster evacuation on incidence of hyperuricemia in residents of Fukushima prefecture; the Fukushima Health Management Survey.
    Hashimoto S, Nagai M, Ohira T, Fukuma S, Hosoya M, Yasumura S, Satoh H, Suzuki H, Sakai A, Ohtsuru A, Kawasaki Y, Takahashi A, Okazaki K, Kobashi G, Kamiya K, Yamashita S, Fukuhara S, Ohto H.
    Clin Exp Nephrol. in press.

  • 15

    Changes in Quality of Life in Older Hemodialysis Patients: A Cohort Study on Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns.
    Ishiwatari A, Yamamoto S, Fukuma S, Hasegawa T, Wakai S, Nangaku M.
    Am J Nephrol. in press.

  • 16

    The use of warm fresh whole blood transfusion in the austere setting: A civilian trauma experience.   
    Katsura M, Matsushima K, Kitamura R, Kawasaki K, Takaesu R, Fukuma S, Ie M, Murakami T, Asakura Y, Uehara M, Mototake H. 
    J Trauma Acute Care Surg. in press.

  • 17

    Developmental stages of tertiary lymphoid tissue reflect local injury and inflammation in murine and human kidneys.
    Sato Y, Boor P, Fukuma S, Klinkhammer BM, Haga H, Ogawa O, Floege J, Yanagita M.
    Kidney International. in press

  • 18

    Relationship between serum calcium or phosphate levels and mortality stratified by parathyroid hormone level: an analysis from the MBD-5D Study.
    Asada S, Yokoyama K, Miyakoshi C, Fukuma S, Endo Y, Wada M, Nomura T, Onishi Y, Fukagawa M, Fukuhara S, Akizawa T.
    Clin Exp Nephrol.  in press

  • 19

    Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI) and Creatinine Index equally predict the risk of mortality in hemodialysis patients: J-DOPPS.
    Yamada S, Yamamoto S, Fukuma S, Nakano T, Tsuruya K, Inaba M.
    Sci Rep.  in press

  • 20

    Screening tool for identifying adults with excessive salt intake among community dwelling adults: a population-based cohort study.
    Sasaki S, Takada T, Fukuma S,* Imamoto M, Hasegawa T, Nishiwaki H, Iida H, Fukuhara S.
    Am J Clin Nutr.  in press *corresponding author

  • 21

    Association of Advanced Glycation End-product Accumulation with Overactive Bladder in Community-dwelling Elderly: A Cross-sectional Sukagawa Study.
    Omae K, Kurita N, Takahashi S, Fukuma S, Yamamoto Y, Fukuhara S, and The Sukagawa Study roup.
    Asian Journal of Urology.  in press

  • 22

    Accuracy of aortic dissection detection risk score alone or with D-dimer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Tsutsumi Y, Tsujimoto Y, Takahashi S, Tsuchiya A, Fukuma S,* Yamamoto Y, Fukuhara S.
    Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care.  in press *corresponding author

Publications 2019

  • 1

    Principles for the use of large-scale medical databases to generate real-world evidence.
    Kumamaru H, Fukuma S, Matsui H, Kawasaki R, Tokumasu H, Takahashi A, Hara S, Aoki K, Fujita T, Miyata H.
    Annals of Clinical Epidemiology. 2019年12月

  • 2

    Effectiveness of music therapy for alleviating pain during haemodialysis access cannulation for patients undergoing haemodialysis: a multi-facility, single-blind, randomised controlled trial.
    Kishida M, Yamada Y, Inayama E, Kitamura M, Nishino T, Ota K, Shintani A, Ikenoue T.
    Trials. 2019年12月

  • 3

    Length of hospital stay is associated with a decline in activities of daily living in hemodialysis patients: a prospective cohort study.
    Kamitani T, Fukuma S,* Shimizu S, Akizawa T, Fukuhara S.
    BMC Nephrology. 2019年12月 *corresponding author

  • 4

    Quality of Care in Chronic Kidney Disease and Incidence of End-stage Renal Disease in Older Patients: Cohort Study.
    Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Shimizu S, Norton EC, Saran R, Yanagita M, Kato G, Nakayama T, Fukuhara S, on behalf of BiDANE: Big Data Analysis of Medical Care for the Older in Kyoto.
    Meical care. 2019年12月

  • 5

    Association of knowledge with attitude and behavior toward deceased organ donation: A cross-sectional study.
    Murakami M, Fukuma S,* Ikezoe M, Izawa S, Watanabe H, Yamaguchi H, Akihiro K, Takahashi K, Natsukawa S, Fukuhara S. 
    Ann Transplant. 2019年12月 *corresponding author

  • 6

    Undiagnosed and untreated chronic kidney disease and its impact on renal outcomes in the Japanese middle-aged general population.
    Yamada Y, Ikenoue T, Saito Y, Fukuma S.*
    J Epidemiol Community Health. 2019年12月 *corresponding author

  • 7

    Nudging patients with chronic kidney disease at screening to visit physicians: A protocol of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial.
    Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Sasaki S, Saigusa Y, Misumi T, Saito Y, Yamada Y, Goto R, Taguri M.
    Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2019年12月 *corresponding author

  • 8

    Psychometric properties of the Czech version of the falls efficacy scale-international in patients with early-stage dementia.
    Kisvetrová H, Školoudík D, Herzig R, Langová K, Kurková P, Tomanová J, Yamada Y.
    Dement Geriatr Cogn. 2019年8月

  • 9

    Population-level associations of achievement of targets for bone mineral markers with survival in haemodialysis patients with mildly elevated intact-PTH levels: a case cohort study.
    Fukuma S, Fukuhara S, Shimizu S, Akizawa T, Fukagawa M.
    Scientific Reports. 2019年8月

  • 10

    Salt intake and body weight correlate with higher blood pressure in the very elderly population: The Sukagawa study.
    Iida H, Kurita N, Takahashi S, Sasaki S, Nishiwaki H, Omae K, Yajima N, Fukuma S, Hasegawa T, Fukuhara S, the Sukagawa Study Group.
    J Clin Hypertens. 2019年7月

  • 11

    Association between contrast extravasation on computed tomography scans and pseudoaneurysm formation in pediatric blunt splenic and hepatic injury: A multi-institutional observational study.
    Katsura M, Fukuma S,* Kuriyama A, Takada T, Ueda Y, Asano S, Kondo Y, Ie M, Matsushima K, Murakami T, Fukuzato Y, Osaki N, Mototake M, Fukuhara S.
    J Pediatr Surg. 2019年7月 *corresponding author

  • 12

    Effect of edaravone on neurological symptoms in real-world patients with acute ischemic stroke: Japan Stroke Data Bank.
    Kobayashi S, Fukuma S,* Ikenoue T, Fukuhara S, Kobayashi S: on behalf of the Japan Stroke Data Bank.
    Stroke. 2019年6月 *corresponding author

  • 13

    Dialysate temperature reduction for intradialytic hypotension for people with chronic kidney disease requiring haemodialysis.
    Tsujimoto  Y, Tsujimoto  H, Nakata  Y, Kataoka  Y, Kimachi  M, Shimizu  S, Ikenoue  T, Fukuma  S, Yamamoto  Y, Fukuhara  S.
    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2019年5月

  • 14

    Effectiveness of Cinacalcet Treatment for Secondary Hyperparathyroidism on Hospitalization: Results from the MBD-5D Study.
    Asada S, Yoshida K, Fukuma S, Nomura T, Wada M, Onishi Y, Kurita N, Fukagawa M, Fukuhara S, Akizawa T. 
    PLoS One. 2019年5月

  • 15

    Postdialysis Hypokalemia and All-Cause Mortality in Patients Undergoing Maintenance Hemodialysis.
    Ohnishi T, Kimachi M, Fukuma S,* Akizawa T, Fukuhara S. 
    Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2019年5月 *corresponding author

  • 16

    The development of quality indicators for systemic lupus erythematosus using electronic health data: a modified RAND appropriateness method.
    Yajima N, Tsujimoto Y, Fukuma S, Sada K, Shimizu S, Niihata K, Takahashi R, Asano Y, Azuma T, Kameda H, Kuwana M, Kohsaka H, Sugiura-Ogasawara M, Suzuki K, Takeuchi T, Tanaka Y, Tamura N, Matsui T, Mimori T, Fukuhara S, Atsumi T.
    Mod Rheumatol. 2019年5月

  • 17

    Intra-Dialytic Hemoglobin Changes and Cardiovascular Events: A Cohort Study on Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns in Japan.
    Hara T, Kimachi M, Ikenoue T, Akizawa T, Fukuhara S, Yamamoto Y.
    Am J Nephrol. 2019年9月

  • 18

    Factors associated with patient preferences towards deprescribing: a survey of adult patients on prescribed medications.
    Aoki T, Yamamoto Y, Ikenoue T, Fukuhara S.
    Int J Clin Pharm. 2019年4月

  • 19

    Hospitals’ extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation capabilities and outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A population-based study.
    Matsuoka Y, Ikenoue T, Hata N, Taguri M, Itaya T, Ariyoshi K, Fukuhara S, Yamamoto Y.
    Resuscitation. 2019年3月

  • 20

    Association between social networks and discussions regarding advance care planning among Japanese older adults.
    Miyashita J, Yamamoto Y, Shimizu S, Aoki T, Azuma T, Takada T, Hayashi M, Kimachi M, Ikenoue T, Fukuma S, Fukuhara S.
    PLoS One. 2019年3月

Publications 2018

Publications 2017

Publications 2016

Publications 2015

Publications 2014

Publications 2013

Publications 2012


  • 1.

    福間 真悟, 渡部一宏, 福原 俊一.
    じほう. 2019.

  • 2.

    福間 真悟.
    震災後の回復可能な社会の構築 福島の経験から.
    In: 医療レジリエンス. 1. 東京: 医学書院. 2015. p. 114–20.

  • 3.

    福間 真悟,福原 俊一.
    In: EBM透析療法 2010-2011. 中外医学社. 2010.

Research grant

  • 1.

    Learning Health Systemによる慢性腎臓病重症化予防の強化
    JSPS KAKEN 基盤研究(B) 研究代表:福間真悟
    研究期間 2019年度~2021年度 (H.31~R.3)

  • 2.

    JSPS KAKEN 基盤研究(C) 研究代表:池之上辰義
    研究期間 2019年度~2021年度 (H.31~R.3)

  • 3.

    JSPS KAKEN 基盤研究(B) 研究代表:山田ゆかり
    研究期間 2019年度~2023年度 (H.31~R.4)

  • 4.

    平成29年度 一般財団法人日本健康増進財団「生活習慣病に関する研究助成」

  • 5.

    平成30年度融合チーム研究プログラム(SPIRITS: Supporting Program for Interaction-based Initiative Team Studies)
    Development and dissemination of AI-based innovative health guidance for life-style-related disease

  • 6.

    JSPS KAKEN 基盤研究(B) 研究代表:福間真悟
    研究期間 2017年度~2019年度 (H.29~H.31)
    配分総額 18,460,000円

  • 7.

    JSPS KAKEN 若手研究(B) 研究代表:福間真悟
    研究期間 2016年度~2018年度 (H.28~H.30)
    配分総額 4,030,000円

  • 8.

    JSPS KAKEN 基盤研究(C) 研究分担:福間真悟
    研究期間 2016年度〜2018 (H.28〜H.30)

  • 9.

    JSPS KAKEN 基盤研究(C) 研究分担:福間真悟
    研究期間 2015年度~2017年度 (H.27~H.29)